LAME MP3 Encoder for Windows Download

For those of you who use the LAME MP3 Encoder to rip CDs to MP3 (like me), the LAME project recently released version 3.98.2 of the encoder. Since the LAME project does not release compiled binaries, I thought I would compile the encoder and stick it on my site for all to download. I know from experience that finding the latest version of the encoder compiled for windows can sometimes be hard so I thought I would help the cause. The zip file below contains both lame.exe and lame_enc.dll. It was compiled with Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista. Please let me know if you have any issues with the files or if you find a newer version of LAME was released (so I can update my files).

Update 2010-10-03: I have updated the LAME library to 3.98.4. It was compiled with Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7.

LAME MP3 Encoder (Win32)

One thought on “LAME MP3 Encoder for Windows Download”

  1. I have installed in Win XP and it works fine. Thank you for compiling it since people like me are pure end users depending on experts like you to help us out. Have a great day!!

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