Why I shouldn’t Buy Train Tickets – Final Part

Happy 2009 everyone! It is the new year and that means my little experiment is done. I have December’s train ticket results and they are identical to November’s. My ticket was checked a total of 9 times which at $2.25 USD a ticket comes to $20.25 USD total. This means I could have saved $39.75 USD if I did not buy the $60.00 USD monthly pass.


I did this little experiment for 5 months. That means I bought 5 monthly passes at $60.00 USD. That adds up to $300.00 USD that I paid for travel on the NJ Transit rail system. If I only bought tickets for the times that I was checked I would have only needed 46 tickets and my total would have been $103.50 USD. That is a difference of $197.50 USD. I could have saved almost two hundred dollars by not buying monthly passes. That is a pretty staggering number if you ask me.


My only explanation for these results is that NJ transit just doesn’t care about checking tickets between Secaucus Junction and Hoboken. It’s a ten minute ride and I guess they just think they have better things to do than to worry about who boarded the train for the short journey. That annoys me slightly since I am following the rules for no real reason. I hope you have enjoyed reading about my little experiement as much as I enjoyed performing it.