One day sales with a “preview day”. If you have a “preview day” the one day sale is no longer “one day”.
The price of replacement razor blades. Screw you Gillete!
Smokers. It’s disgusting and inexcusable.
Censoring language on TV. The FCC is full of prunes. Besides, kids are going to learn the words anyway.
People who leave their newspapers on the subway. Are you that lazy that you can’t carry them to a trash can 50 feet away.
People who don’t change their cell phone ringtone away from the carrier default. If your not smart enough to change your ringtone, don’t use a cell phone.
TV commercials that are louder than the TV show. Hey cable networks! This is the 21st century! We have the technology to normalize the volume. Fix it!
The TSA. All you provide is the illusion of security. Stop wasting my time.
Fox Television. You cancel most of the shows that I like to watch on your network. Go to hell!
Local television news. It’s really painful to watch and 99% of what they report isn’t news. It needs to go away.